Creates a new Entity or updates an existing Entity, uploading any files in the process.
synStore(obj, createOrUpdate=TRUE, forceVersion=TRUE, versionLabel=NULL, isRestricted=FALSE, activity=NULL, used=NULL, executed=NULL, activityName=NULL, activityDescription=NULL, set_annotations=TRUE)
A Synapse Entity, Evaluation, or Wiki.
Optional. The Entity, Synapse ID, or URL used to create the object (can also be a list of these.
Optional. The Entity, Synapse ID, or URL representing code executed to create the object (can also be a list of these).
Optional. Activity object specifying the user's provenance.
Optional. Activity name to be used in conjunction with used and executed.
Optional. Activity description to be used in conjunction with used and executed.
Optional. Indicates whether the method should automatically perform an update if the 'obj'
conflicts with an existing Synapse object. Defaults to TRUE.
Optional. Indicates whether the method should increment the version of the object even if
nothing has changed. Defaults to TRUE.
Optional. Arbitrary string used to label the version.
Optional.If set to TRUE, an email will be sent to the Synapse access control team to start the process of adding terms-of-use or review board approval for this entity. You will be contacted with regards to the specific data being restricted and the requirements of access. Defaults to FALSE.
If TRUE, set the annotations on the entity. If FALSE, do not set the annotations. Defaults to TRUE.
A Synapse Entity, Evaluation, or Wiki
if (FALSE) {
# Create a new project
project <- Project('My uniquely named project')
project <- synStore(project)
# Adding files with provenance:
# A synapse entity *syn1906480* contains data
# entity *syn1917825* contains code
activity <- Activity('Fancy Processing',
description='No seriously, really fancy processing',
used=c('syn1906480', ''),
file <- File('/path/to/data/', description='Fancy new data', parent=project)
file <- synStore(file, activity=activity)
# Evaluation
eval <- Evaluation(name =sprintf("My unique evaluation created on %s", format(Sys.time(), "%a %b %d %H%M%OS4 %Y")),
description = "testing",
contentSource = project$properties$id,
submissionReceiptMessage = "Thank you for your submission!",
submissionInstructionsMessage = "This evaluation only accepts files.")
eval <- synStore(eval)
# Wiki
content <- "
# My Wiki Page
Here is a description of my **fantastic** project!
wiki = Wiki(title='My Wiki Page',
wiki <- synStore(wiki)