An Evaluation Submission queue, allowing submissions, retrieval and scoring.
Evaluation(name=NULL, description=NULL, contentSource=NULL, submissionReceiptMessage=NULL, submissionInstructionsMessage=NULL)
optional named parameter: Name of the evaluation
optional named parameter: A short description of the evaluation
optional named parameter: Synapse Project associated with the evaluation
optional named parameter: Message to display to users upon submission
optional named parameter: Message to display to users detailing acceptable formatting for submissions.
An object of type Evaluation
if (FALSE) {
eval <- Evaluation(
name = sprintf("My unique evaluation created on %s", format(Sys.time(), "%a %b %d %H%M%OS4 %Y")),
description = "testing",
contentSource = project$properties$id,
submissionReceiptMessage = "Thank you for your submission!",
submissionInstructionsMessage = "This evaluation only accepts files.")
eval <- synStore(eval)