Represents a wiki page in Synapse with content specified in markdown.
Wiki(title=NULL, owner=NULL, markdown=NULL, markdownFile=NULL, attachments=NULL, fileHandles=NULL, parentWikiId=NULL)
optional named parameter: Title of the Wiki
optional named parameter: Parent entity or ID of the parent entity that the Wiki will belong to
optional named parameter: Content of the Wiki (cannot be defined if markdownFile is defined)
optional named parameter: Path to file which contains the Content of Wiki (cannot be defined if markdown is defined)
optional named parameter: List of paths to files to attach
optional named parameter: List of file handle IDs representing files to be attached
optional named parameter: (optional) For subpages, specify parent wiki page
An object of type Wiki
if (FALSE) {
# Create a Wiki
content <- "
# My Wiki Page
Here is a description of my **fantastic** project!
wiki <- Wiki(owner = project,
title = "My Wiki Page",
markdown = content)
wiki <- synStore(wiki)
# Update a Wiki
wiki <- synGetWiki(project)
wiki.markdown <- "
# My Wiki Page
Here is a description of my **fantastic** project! Let's
*emphasize* the important stuff.
wiki <- synStore(wiki)