Create an external S3 file handle for e.g. a file that has been uploaded directly to an external S3 storage location.
synCreateExternalS3FileHandle(bucket_name, s3_file_key, file_path, parent=NULL, storage_location_id=NULL, mimetype=NULL, md5=NULL)
Name of the S3 bucket
S3 key of the uploaded object
Local path of the uploaded file
Parent entity to create the file handle in, the file handle will be created in the default storage location of the parent. Mutually exclusive with storage_location_id
Explicit storage location id to create the file handle in, mutually exclusive with parent
Mimetype of the file, if known
MD5 of the file, if known
If neither parent nor storage_location_id is specified, or if both are specified.
if (FALSE) {
# create a storage location
folder_and_storage_location <- synCreateS3StorageLocation(parent='syn123', folder_name='test_folder', bucket_name='aws-bucket-name', base_key='test', sts_enabled=TRUE)
storage_location <- folder_and_storage_location[[2]]
# get a write permission token
folder <- folder_and_storage_location[[1]]
folder_id <- folder$properties$id
sts_write_token <- synGetStsStorageToken(entity=folder_id, permission='read_write', output_format='json')
# configure the environment with AWS token
Sys.setenv('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'=sts_write_token$accessKeyId, 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'=sts_write_token$secretAccessKey, 'AWS_SESSION_TOKEN'=sts_write_token$sessionToken)
# upload a file directly to s3
put_object(file='/tmp/foo.txt', object='test/foo.txt', bucket='aws-bucket-name', acl= 'bucket-owner-full-control')
# create a file handle for the object
synCreateExternalS3FileHandle(bucket_name='aws-bucket-name', s3_file_key='test/foo.txt', file_path='/tmp/foo.txt', storage_location_id=storage_location$storageLocationId)