Get STS credentials for the given entity_id and permission, outputting it in the given format

synGetStsStorageToken(entity, permission, output_format=json, min_remaining_life=NULL)



the entity or entity id whose credentials are being returned


one of 'read_only' or 'read_write'


one of 'json', 'boto', 'shell', 'bash', 'cmd', 'powershell'
json: the dictionary returned from the Synapse STS API including expiration
boto: a dictionary compatible with a boto session (aws_access_key_id, etc)
shell: output commands for exporting credentials appropriate for the detected shell
bash: output commands for exporting credentials into a bash shell
cmd: output commands for exporting credentials into a windows cmd shell
powershell: output commands for exporting credentials into a windows powershell


the minimum allowable remaining life on a cached token to return. if a cached token
has left than this amount of time left a fresh token will be fetched


if (FALSE) {

# create a storage location
folder_and_storage_location <- synCreateS3StorageLocation(parent='syn123', folder_name='test_folder', bucket_name='aws-bucket-name', base_key='test', sts_enabled=TRUE)

folder <- folder_and_storage_location[[1]]
storage_location <- folder_and_storage_location[[2]]

# get a write permission token
sts_write_token <- synGetStsStorageToken(entity=folder$properties$id, permission='read_write')

# configure the environment with AWS token
Sys.setenv('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'=sts_write_token$accessKeyId, 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'=sts_write_token$secretAccessKey, 'AWS_SESSION_TOKEN'=sts_write_token$sessionToken)

# upload the file directly to s3
put_object(file='/tmp/foo.txt', object='test/foo.txt', bucket='aws-bucket-name')
