Sends an HTTP GET request to the Synapse server.
synRestGetAsync(uri, endpoint=NULL, headers=NULL, retry_policy=list(), requests_session_async_synapse=NULL)
URI on which get is performed
Server endpoint. Defaults to repoEndpoint
Dictionary of headers to use
A retry policy that matches the arguments of synapseclient.core.retry.with_retry_time_based_async.
The async client to use when making this specific call.
Any other arguments taken by a request method
JSON encoding of response
if (FALSE) {
# a helper function to run async function
run_coroutine <- function(coroutine) {
asyncio <- import("asyncio")
result <- asyncio$run(coroutine)
# run the coroutine
result <- run_coroutine(synRestGetAsync(uri="/entity/entity_id"))